But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

When you start riding a mountain bike, you have different needs for accessories, both for the subdiscipline you practice, for comfort, and for personal biking style. Here we tried to gather all the most important elements you mustn’t forget about while cycling.

Mountain bike helmet or the best protection for your head?

There are different types of helmets for various subdisciplines of mountain biking. Choosing the right helmet (size and type) is crucial for head protection and a comfortable ride. Never neglect the material (it has to be solid, stable, and firm. The size can’t be big, because this way you endanger yourself.

Gloves are not just fashionable

If it’s very hot outside, short-fingered biking gloves will suit you. For the rest of the climatic conditions and modalities, long gloves are the most common. There are different types of mountain biking gloves. Some have protective plates on the knuckles or near the little finger that protect it when descending and ascending.

Other gloves have pads on the palms. They are usually made of gel or some kind of foam. There are also gloves that are somewhat reinforced in terms of synthetic material used for the rest of the gloves. Comfort is in the first place here.

Water, water, and again water

If you like long runs, you need some extra hydration, so that is a bottle of water. Most mountain riding bikes have a special section where you can put your water purveyance the way one or two water bottle holders can be mounted to the frame.

As for the capacity of the bottle, use a medium or small size. During descent, it tends to come loose easily due to excessive vibration transmitted through the frame.

Put plastic frame glasses obligatory

While a force major, for instance, if you fall, a plastic frame will protect your eyes and face. On the contrary, a metal frame can cause serious injuries. The biking accessories are designed a way not to block visibility and protect eyes from dust and wind getting, which makes them suitable for sports.

Mind your knee pads and be happy

There are different types of knee pads, the difference between which lies in the manufacturing materials. There are rigid knee pads with a hard plastic shell. They provide better protection but are somewhat uncomfortable to twist. So it’s up to you what to choose.

Elbow pads – accessories to take

Elbow biking pads are also not used in many competitions and are rarely used by riders. They are considered additional protection and their use is your responsibility, but if you are going down some specific route or don’t have enough skills – make them obligatory.

Like knee pads, it’s possible to find them rigid or semi-rigid, there are even some brands that treat them with foam only in the elbow area.

A golden rule to sum up

Never neglect your safety and select suitable accessories up to personal comfort and wish.